If you're wondering where you are or what's happening, that's perfectly normal! Click this button for more information.
If you know you are in a system, but don't know where you are, the date, what's going on in the world, etc., click the button below.
If you need help grounding, emergency services, etc., click the button below.
If you would like more information on DID/OSDD or other mental health topics click the button below.
Made by cináed🌿#1781. Links, carrds, and other resources linked here belong to their respective owners and not us.
"What's going on? Where am I?"
It's okay! You may not know what's happening right away, or even your name or who you are.
You are in a system. A system is a collection of identities living in one body.
"How does this happen?"
This is caused by early childhood trauma. The personality splits into multiple to cope with the trauma. These separate identities are called alters. You are one of these alters. If you feel uncomfortable or "not right" in your body, that's okay and normal. Unfortunately, there isn't anything you can do about your current body, but there are ways to make yourself feel more comfortable like wigs, make-up, clothing, and ect.!Medically, this is called DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) or OSDD (Other Specified Dissociative Disorders).
"Where am I?"
You are on a planet called Earth! The year is 2022. You can find the exact time and date here and your exact location here. (Click "allow location access" if it prompts you.)
"I remember things that didn't happen to this body. Is that normal?"
Yes! Although these memories didn't happen in the real world, they may feel real to you. That's okay and valid! Click here for more information on this.
"I'm hearing voices in my head. Should I listen to them?"
These might be other alters, so yes! You can ask them for help if you need it. If these voices are saying bad things, try to distract yourself.
"I feel foggy or like the world isn't real. What do I do?"
You might be dissociating. Click here for some grounding exercises.
Introjects and Pseudomemories
An introject is an alter formed from an outside source. This can be someone from a book, TV show, movie, or even someone in real life like a celebrity or internet personality. Introjects can take all shapes and sizes, but the most important thing is to remember they are not their source. They may or may not identify with their source, either is up to them and very valid. Some introjects may choose to distance themselves from their source(s), which is called source separation.
Pseudomemories are memories that an introject may have. They are often source events and haven't actually happened to the body. These memories are still valid! Sometimes they reflect what the body has experienced, literally or emotionally.
"Where am I?"
You are on a planet called Earth! The year is 2022. You can find the exact time and date here and your exact location here. (Click "allow location access" if it prompts you.)
"I think I have come back from dormancy. What do I need to know?"
This carrd made by Corbeaux can explain that and more. This is also good for new alters to find out what is going on in the world!
Please call your local emergency services if you are having a mental health crisis. Click here for an international list of helplines, and here for a mental health checkpoint.
Other helplines can be found here.
For panic attacks:
Grounding exercises: